Portal 2 ist ein wunderbares Puzzle-Spiel. Auch wegen des tollen Soundtracks, denn man nun hier kostenlos herunterladen darf. Dazu gibt's auch eine ganze Reihe witziger (und brauchbarer) Klingeltöne für Iphone & Co.
Am 30. Oktober kommt übrigens noch ein viertes Album raus - für die drei verfügbaren und das neue haben wir hier auch die kompletten Tracklistings:
Volume/Disc #1
1. Science is Fun
2. Concentration Enhancing Menu Initialiser
3. 9999999
4. The Courtesy Call
5. Technical Difficulties
6. Overgrowth
7. Ghost of Rattman
8. Haunted Panels
9. The Future Starts With You
10. There She Is
11. You Know Her?
12. The Friendly Faith Plate
13. 15 Acres of Broken Glass
14. Love as a Construct
15. I Saw a Deer Today
16. Hard Sunshine
17. I'm Different
18. Adrenal Vapor
19. Turret Wife Serenade
20. I Made It All Up
21. Comedy = Tragedy + Time
22. Triple Laser Phase
Volume/Disc #2:
1. You Will Be Perfect
2. Halls of Science 4
3. (defun botsbuildbots () botsbuildbots ))
4. An Accent Beyond
5. Robot Ghost Story
6. Die Cut Laser Dance
7. Turret Redemption Line
8. Bring Your Daughter To Work Day
9. Almost At Fifty Percent
10. Don't Do It
12. Vitrification Order
13. Music of the Spheres
14. You are Not Part of the Control Group
15. Forwarding the Cause of Science
16. PotatOS Lament
17. The Reunion
18. Music of the Spheres 2 (Incendiary Lemons)
Volume/Disc #3:
1. Reconstructing More Science
2. Wheatley Science
3. FrankenTurrets
4. Machiavellian Bach
5. Excursion Funnel
7. The Part Where He Kills You
8. Omg, What has He Done?
9. Bombs for Throwing at You
10. Your Precious Moon
11. Caroline Deleted
12. Cara Mia Addio
13. Want You Gone
14. Spaaaaace
15. Space Phase
16. Some Assembly Required
17. Robot Waiting Room #1
18. Robot Waiting Room #2
19. Robot Waiting Room #3
20. Robot Waiting Room #4
21. Robot Waiting Room #5
22. Robot Waiting Room #6
23. You Saved Science
24. Robots FTW
Volume/Disc #4:
1. Subject Name Here
2. Taste of Blood
3. Android Hell
4. Self Esteem Fund
5. Procedural Jiggle Bone
6. No Cake For You
7. 4000 Degrees Kelvin
8. Stop What You Are Doing
9. Party Escort
10. Your Not a Good Person
11. You Can't Escape You Know
12. Still Alive
13. Still Alive (J.C. Mix)